Install ProFTPD on CentOS 7
ProFTPD (short for Pro FTP daemon) is an FTP server. ProFTPD is Free and open-source software, compatible with Unix-like systems and Microsoft Windows (via Cygwin). Along with vsftpd and Pure-FTPd, ProFTPD is among the most popular FTP servers in

Unix-like environments today. Compared to those, which focus e.g. on simplicity, speed or security, ProFTPD's primary design goal is to be a highly feature rich FTP server, exposing a large amount of configuration options to the user.
Step 1: Add the EPEL Repository
ProFTPD is part of Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL), which is a community repository of non-standard packages for the RHEL distribution. First, we’ll install the EPEL repository:
rpm -iUvh
Step 2: Install ProFTPD
As a matter of best practice we’ll update our packages:
yum -y update
Then let’s install ProFTPD and any required packages:
yum -y install proftpd
Step 3: Configure ProFTPD
Let’s edit the configuration file for ProFTPD:
vi /etc/proftpd.conf
Change the ServerName to the hostname of your server. In the case below, is an example:
ServerName ""
Exit and save the file with the command :wq .
Restart the ProFTPD service:
systemctl restart proftpd
Then set the ProFTPD service to start at boot:
systemctl enable proftpd
And verify your work by checking the status of ProFTPD:
systemctl status proftpd
Step 4: Allow ProFTPD Through the Firewall
Allow the default FTP port, port 21, through firewalld:
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=21/tcp
And reload the firewall:
firewall-cmd --reload
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