SSH Management Console Script
SSH Management Console Script naming “sshc” is a simple program that you can use it instead of putty connection manager , securecrt , PAC manager or any SSH manager that installed on linux distributions .
This program is so simple, secure and accessible from shell . I mean You can install it on your server for connection to another servers from a linux server .
How Can I Install this Program on My Server ?
At the First We Must Wget sshc on our server . ( in this case my operating system is centos 6.7 )
At The Next Step According to README file We Should install Prerequisites that listed Bellow :
0. openssl
1. sshpass
2. mkdir
3. cp
4. rm
5. whoami
6. ping
7. curl
8. ssh
9. echo
10. cat
11. joe
Install dependency tools
[root@server /]# yum -y install openssl sshpass curl ssh joe
Then We Must install sshc with :
[root@server sshc-master]# chmod +x
[root@server sshc-master]# ./
sudo ./ -i [for install program]
sudo ./ -u [for uninstall program]
sudo ./ -c [check dependencies on system]
Checking Dependencies
We can Check Dependencies with -c switch :
[root@server sshc-master]# ./ -c
[+] ------------------------------------------------ [+]
[+] check dependencies on system:
[+] whoami found
[+] sleep found
[+] cat found
[+] head found
[+] tail found
[+] cut found
[+] expr found
[+] curl found
[+] nano found
[+] openssl found
[+] sshpass found
[+] ------------------------------------------------ [+]
[root@server sshc-master]#
after install We Should Run “sshc” command to complete sshc database (defaul password is ‘sshc’)
after typing password we must select 0 for editing database :
[+] Enter password:
0) Edite Database
[+] Select your server/option or type quit for exit:0
default editor of sshc database is joe , for saving settings we should press ctrl+k+x
Note : Add Your Servers According to the above Example .
After Save, Console shows it :
[+] ------------------------------------------------------------------- [+]
[+] Programming and idea by : E2MA3N [Iman Homayouni]
[+] License : GPL v3.0
[+] sshc v4.0
[+] Enter password:
0) Edite Database
[+] Select your server/option or type quit for exit: 0
[+] encrypt new database, Please type your password:
[+] Done, New database saved and encrypted
[+] ------------------------------------------------------------------- [+]
[root@server ~]#
The program requests default password for encrypting database file . lets run again sshc for connecting our server :
We Have 3 Options for Direct Connection to server or Accept our public ip on server firewall ( iptables ) or 1 and 2 options in 3
This is Encrypted Database File :
[root@server sshc-master]# cat /etc/sshc/sshc.database.en
[root@server sshc-master]#